About our products
Are your products genuine?

Yes, all our products are sourced from reliable suppliers and are 100% genuine. 


What is the best way to store my wines and spirits?

The optimal temperature for red wines to be stored at is 10 to 15 degrees Celcius, whereas white wines should be stored at around 7 to 10 degrees Celcius. Do note that wines are sensitive to temperature swings and should always be kept in a cool, dark place. 

For spirits such as whisky, gin, rum, vodka and tequila, storing them at or slightly below room temperature in a cool, dark place is ideal. 

Once opened and exposed to oxygen, heat and other elements, the wines and spirits experience chemical reactions that affect their quality and taste. Proper storage will help to slow down these reactions and allow your wines and spirits to remain fresh for a longer time. 

For fine wines, we strongly recommend proper cellaring to ensure you get the best out of each bottle. 

What is the shelf life of your products?

Wines and spirits are generally considered ”shelf-stable” as long as they remain sealed and stored properly in a cool, dark place.


Proper storage is crucial in ensuring your wines and spirits remain fresh for a long period of time.  

Do you do gift wrapping?

Yes, you may opt for our gift-wrapping service at $10 by ticking the “Gift Wrap” option at checkout. This service includes a special gift box and personalised message card for the recipient.  

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